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Philosophy essay on sollicitudo rei socialis

A. Summary of Sollicitudo rei socialisJohn capital of Minnesota IIs message empower Sollicitudo rei socialis speaks to the Catholic perform services role in answering make better printing press social issues of the day, primarily poverty. He breaks this topic down into six split an Introduction, Originality of the encyclical Populorum Progressio, Survey of the Contemporary World, Authentic Human Development, A theo system of logical instruction of Modern Problems, Some Particular Guidelines, and a Conclusion.In the Introduction, the Pope tells the proofreader that this piece was written to salary honor to capital of Minnesota VIs encyclical Populorum Progressio, in any case called The Development of Peoples, which had been written twenty years earlier in 1967. An encyclical is a letter to instalments and priests of the church written by the Pope. In the Populorum Progressio, Paul VI says that unless justice and morality rule, the suffering will never cut the cooperate t hey pauperism. Now twenty years later, Pope John Paul II sent a letter out to churches to get feedback on how best to celebrate the anniversary of the encyclical. Sollicitudo rei socialis are his findings. He also wants to pay honor to the original document and to show the value of church teachings because of the perseverance and renewal of the ideas in the encyclical.In the Originality of the encyclical Populorum Progressio portion, John Paul II says that the encyclical is a how-to guide for the church to follow and it is based on the teachings of the bit Vatican Ecumenical Council of 1965, which talks about poor population and what the church should do about the development and underdevelopment of peoples. Peoples development is based in moral and educational solutions provided by the church. He believes that development is a global issue. Rich countries pay off a responsibility to poor countries to not be greedy with resources, because poor countries do not render as much a ccess to the things they need to live. The 1967 document concludes by saying that Development is the new name for peace. The logic behind this is that the poor want justice. For them, justice is getting their fair voice of the supplies needed to live, and if they do not, it leads to violence.In his Survey of the Contemporary World, John Paul II cites that poverty still exists because the Northern Hemisphere has easy access to supplies, maculation the Southern Hemisphere has slow access, even though this is where most of the worlds universe lives. Poverty is a result of a lack of educational opportunities, jobs, as well as economic and racial discrimination, all of which go on with underdevelopment.He believes that Authentic Human Development needs to be guided by a moral understanding. A person must be demonstrable morally, not just economically, in score for the growth to be authentic. The church has a responsibility to aid in human development.His Theological Reading of Mode rn Problems tells that even though people can develop through with(predicate) science and technology, it must be grounded in morality as taught by the church. Certain Guidelines should be followed, so that the church can do its turn over and people are treated with dignity. The poor should be treated with preference, entirely they also have to contri thoe to their own development. John Paul II, in his Conclusion, states that the church, as part of its moral requirement, can work together to help the poor develop into more fully human beings.B. ReflectionJohn Paul IIs master(prenominal) point is the place of morality as taught by the church to help get rid of human poverty. I would agree that what a person or country values is based in their morality, and this helps motivate a person or stem to action. I also agree that large countries have an obligation to assist poor countries so that their citizens have enough food, clothing, shelter, health care and education to do more th an just survive, but to thrive. However, I do not think that the Catholic perform has the quoin on the morality market, especially in light of all the kid molestation charges against priests. Also, the only woman who is not marginalized in the Catholic Church is Mary, which is a problem if you are trying to bring your morality to a culture that may or may not have your mavin of morality and may actually value women.How moral can a group be that considers women to be essentially chattel who should not have control over their own bodies, but instead should put their sacred and health care in the hands of their husbands and child-molesting priests? How moral is a group that demands that a woman who has been raped, even by a male member of her family, should be required to carry the embryo to term in order to remain moral? The Pope himself may indeed be a moral man, but there are several in his church who cannot say the same, and who provide a wayward compass to guide people who re ally want to help the poor.Work CitedPope John Paul II. Sollicitudo rei socialis. (Vatican City Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1986).URLhttp//www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/encyclicals/documents/hf_jpii_enc _30121987_sollicitudo-rei-socialis_en.html Accessed 23 May 2007.

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